Friday, June 21, 2013

A Moment to reflect on... Birthdays

Well hello there!

Since this is my official first blog and it's a birthday of sorts, I thought I'd take a moment to comment on that special day from my point of view...

With each passing of the calender year, we meet with special friends and/or family to celebrate turning another year older.  Starting from that first year of life, you go through your special day with different kinds of emotions.  Now, I don't remember my first birthday, but I do remember my sons and I'd have to say he was probably a little excited, a little paranoid and a whole lot overwhelmed by all the doo-dah.  Brightly wrapped presents, colorful balloons, lots of kids and giants (aka: adults to a baby) running around screaming, talking, and whatnot, and then there was the cake.  Talk about your underdeveloped mind doing somersaults!  As time went on, you grow into the whole party thing a bit more.  Anticipating it in a way nothing besides maybe Christmas could touch.  I know I did anyway.  Then the passage of years takes you adolescence and yeah, it's still exciting usually, but more of an affirmation that people like you and that you're accepted.  All good things and I remember them fondly, but then we get into adulthood.

Now anyone who's ever grown to see their 22nd birthday is going to agree with me here, after the 21st?  Well it's all downhill until retirement isn't it?  As a woman, the passage of years plagues me perhaps a bit different than it does a man.  Another birthday brings me closer to that unbearable title of "over the hill".  Who in the world created that slogan, I'll never know, but I'd sure in hell like to punch his face.  He's probably the same moron that came up with "have a happy period," but I digress.  Having just passed my 42nd birthday (yeah..I said 42 *shudders*), I will tell you that it shows.  Every time I look in the mirror I see every one of those 42 years written in the lines on my face, the pull of gravity on my body, and the shedding of my glorious hair.  And yeah, I could get all depressed and fight back with potions and surgery, but then I tilt my head and see it from a different angle...

Every line, every gray hair, every slight (and not so slight) imperfection tells my life's story.  Yup, I see my first heartbreak, my last failure, the worry over my wife and son, but you know... for all it's trials and tribulations, I wouldn't change a single thing about the course of my life.  Good and bad, it's mine.  I wrote it.  I inspired it.  I lived it.  And there is no one on this earth that can take it away from me.

So, I hope that next time the calender flips to your special day, I hope you take a minute not to moan about getting older, but instead, look in the mirror and read the story of your life.  I bet it's just incredible!

Till next time

Oh and P.S. (not that I wanted this to be an afterthought, but I didn't know how to work it in anyplace else)....

A very Happy Birthday to my brother of my heart, Walter.  I'm so very glad to be a part of your journey and so happy that you mean so much to me <3  Congrats Brother, you've leveled up!  (thanks Aimee for that amazing phrase)

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